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HKA Member Briefing with Dr King Au

INVITATION to join the HK Association Member Briefing

The NEW growth paths of Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre

In his recent budget speech the Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, announced many new and revolutionary initiatives to develop Hong Kong into an international finance centre for Digital Assets, GreenTech and GreenFi, among other ambitions. Clifford Chance LLP has kindly agree to host a Member Briefing to discuss the scope and impact of these initiatives in detail with a select number of HK Association members. Space will be limited so please book as soon as possible.

The guest speakers are Dr King Au, Executive Director, Financial Services Development Council and Tim Bailey from Red Date Technology, a technology company headquartered in Hong Kong that is dedicated to building next-generation Public IT System infrastructures for internet communications, digital economies, and metaverses.

Date: Monday 24th April 2023

Time: 4.30 – 5.30pm followed by a drinks reception

Please register your interest at indicating your full name, organisation and job title.

19 April

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