Spring Lunch to Welcome the Year of the Snake
Date: Wednesday 26 March 2025
Venue: Golden Mountain Restaurant, Cheltenham
According to the Chinese calendar, on 29 January the Dragon cedes pride of place to the wise and transformational Snake. However, not all changes are wise, and sometimes we would do well to embrace the tried and tested! Thus, what could be more appropriate than a return trip (for many of us) to the Golden Mountain Restaurant in Cheltenham – deemed a big success last year?
More details (including (modest) costs, payment procedures, timings for firming up bookings etc) will follow, but for now please RSVP to advise whether (or not) you would like to join the lunch on Wednesday 26 March. This is, of course, a considerable way into the future, so your reply is a statement of intent, rather than a commitment; so be optimistic
The venue is pretty intimate (ie small), and members of the HK Society have priority booking until a bit before Christmas; thereafter this opportunity will be opened up to local non-members. Once I have got takers for all available seats (so exclusive!), I will maintain a waiting list, in order of application, in case there are drop-outs
As making my life easy is extremely desirable, and to increase your chances of getting seats, could you please let me know as soon as possible and in any case by Friday 20 December whether or not you would like to join? Please make a special effort to come if you were a Snake-let (born 1941 or some number of times twelve years thereafter), not least because of the depth of knowledge and riotous sense of humour associated with those born in this year (OK, I made that up – but it’s doubtless true!)
I shall look forward to hearing from you, and to seeing a substantial proportion of you on 26 March. It will be fun, delicious and other good adjectives ... as it always is!
Alastair Scott, Convenor Gloucestershire Region
Please contact communications@hkas.org.uk to register